April 19, 2024

Why some states in USA so poor?

 The richest countries in the world (in terms of GDP per capita), benchmark democracies such as the United States, and European Union countries urgently need to switch to a unicameral parliament. Why? Because it will significantly strengthen the United States and Europe due to the following two factors.

The separation of non-deputies (congressmen) and senators is not correct, it greatly weakens the United States and Europe.

Where did the bicameral parliament come from? In 1787, the United States was the first in the world to come up with a new state structure called democracy. It implied the convenient joining of the new independent states of North America to the already existing United States. In order for the states to benefit from joining, they were given maximum autonomy (in fact, an independent state with its own laws, constitution, etc.). The US Parliament was filled with an equal number of deputies ("senators") from each state. But with this formation, it turned out that small, weak and poor states received exactly the same influence as large, strong and rich ones. I.e., their delegates, receiving a majority in parliament (the poor are always the majority), began to pass laws that suck the juices out of rich states.

To protect against this phenomenon, in order to more balance power between the states, additional deputies were introduced (these were called "congressmen"). The entire territory of the country was divided into pieces with the same population, and from each such piece ("constituency") a deputy was elected to the general parliament. To create a balance between the power of weak, small, poor states and strong, large and rich ones.

( Original text here )

But this balance still does not exist. Because according to the US system: the powers of senators (deputies from states) and congressmen (deputies from numerically equal districts) are not equal. And they should be identical.

It should be like this:

A unicameral single parliament. Half of it is elected according to the classical proportional electoral system (this will be a complete analogue of the election of deputies from equally numbered electoral districts). And half of them are elected from each individual region (for this purpose, elections are held within each region according to the proportional electoral system, and then the election results in each region are summed up and the average values for the whole country are displayed).

In Europe, all elections are based only on the proportional system. In the USA, leave the majority (older and more backward). But there is no division into "senators" and "congressmen".

The division into deputies-"senators" and deputies-"congressmen" (two chambers of parliament), which the countries of the world copied from the United States, firstly makes a skew: either towards stronger states, or towards weaker ones (here you can already see who has more rights - senators or deputies-"congressmen").

Secondly, such a crooked bicameral parliament allows anti-democratic regimes to come to power, which then launch missiles at the armies of the United States and Europe themselves.

How do anti-democratic tyrants come to power? They are starting to cheat with elections to one of the two houses of parliament. The election of senators by the population is replaced by their election by the deputies themselves.

Countries with undemocratic fraudulent parliaments (i.e. one of the houses of parliament is not directly elected by the population): Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, France, England, Spain, India, Pakistan

Countries with democratic bicameral parliaments: the USA, Japan, Switzerland, Italy and many others.

Countries with a unicameral parliament: Germany, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Mongolia