You can earn a large sum of money selling your product or service only if you are a significant monopolist (i.e. you have no competitors in this market). Before the 20th century, when science and technology were still relatively underdeveloped, people usually became monopolist simply by physically eliminating all competitors (by prohibiting them from selling the same goods and services with the help of "licenses", etc.). As society developed, it became more and more difficult to prohibit others from selling exactly the same goods, due to the increasingly active resistance of competitors, the emergence of various ways to bypass such blockages.
In the 20th century, thanks to the significant development of science and technology, it became possible to produce increasingly technologically complex goods and services. The first to invent a new, more complex product automatically became a monopolist in this market for a certain time and received good superprofits. This became the new main way to earn big money. At the same time, there were still many restrictions: the market was usually limited to one country, and other countries could easily block the possibility of selling your product even if there was high demand for it and there were no competitive offers. Examples of this: communist countries that blocked all Western goods. Today's import duties on imported goods, which some countries introduce, make the product much less competitive.
In the 21st century, the main criteria for a good income for a supplier of goods/services are:
a) high-tech goods/services (this automatically cuts off the maximum number of possible competitors).
b) no ban on access to local markets
Since 2005, thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, manufacturers have had the opportunity to sell their technologically complex digital goods (or digital services) worldwide, without significant restrictions on local markets. This has allowed them to earn colossal amounts of money.
Examples of such digital goods/services are: the world's largest social networks (Facebook, VKontakte). video hosting sites (YouTube).
When the sale of a technologically complex product is accompanied by the absence of significant restrictions on sales on the local market, super profits are obtained.
Then, in 2009, a new, even more cunning, but at the same time profitable for production and sale complex technological goods appeared - the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Digital money, with a guaranteed fixed rate (due to the impossibility of printing new coins) and at the same time with availability worldwide (it is impossible to block). The demand for this is so high that even the most powerful country in the world - the United States, no matter how much it fought this phenomenon at first, eventually simply resigned itself and allowed its circulation.
The creator of Bitcoin became a billionaire. At the same time, he created it essentially alone. That is, one person (or a very, very small team of developers) can produce such a product today - the demand for which will bypass any possible attempts at blocking. Also, a new digital product can begin to change the existing interstate order on the planet (as Bitcoin has partially begun to do).
With the help of digital goods/services of a new format - it becomes possible to configure modern society. The newest, extremely popular digital goods/services are essentially a new type of weapon that can destroy the old foundations of the world. Moreover, the power and potential of this weapon are so great that even the strongest countries of the modern world will not be able to resist them. As a result, everyone will be forced to submit to them.
A completely free market niche.
At the moment, there is one unoccupied niche on the market that has enormous potential for profit. The situation is somewhat similar to the cryptocurrency sphere (bitcoin) in 2008. The society has a demand for a new digital resource, but the mathematical formula for sale has not yet been published. Those who are the first to enter this market will strike it rich, as happened earlier with bitcoin.
The demand for this system is very high, because it will allow the population to significantly raise the bar for their standard of living.
I myself have long been interested in the topic of blockchain (cryptocurrencies, decentralized systems). So, there are still no normal electronic voting applications on this market. All that is on the Play Market are just a few simple, primitive applications for surveys or test, preliminary voting exclusively in the USA. Most of these applications are only in English. There is nothing else on the RuNet market. Some authors are trying to give out something about the blockchain itself, but to a large extent these are only theories. In practical implementation - there is still nothing: neither in Russian nor in English. And everything is limited to such advertising videos (advertising the blockchain itself).
Unfortunately, even smart people have a very poor understanding of the ways in which elections can be falsified and, accordingly, what the system should provide (it should provide for fraud protection options in advance).
In the modern world, voting will be electronic. Everyone is trying to move away from paper. Therefore, the system must be made electronic from the very beginning. It is much more convenient, easier to control and much more difficult to hack and forge.
Some countries will use it officially to save money because it will be much cheaper than classic elections, while providing maximum transparency.
Earlier in my blog, I posted an example of a simple algorithm that allows for completely transparent elections, allows each citizen to check the votes of everyone else, and at the same time, personal data of citizens is not disclosed.
The problem with that scheme is that not all countries are ruled by rotating democratic regimes. In many countries, lifelong tsars/boyars sit in power, who, emulating elections, put their children on the throne (i.e., their regime in the country is the Tsarist Middle Ages). So, in order to remain monopolists and not lose power, they most likely will not want to hold elections in the above-mentioned way. More cunning and sophisticated methods will be needed to combat them. A global planetary decentralized (blockchain) voting platform is needed. Which will allow all voters to register and vote in defiance of the wishes of the current authorities.
Technical task - system capabilities.
Briefly, the technical task that I set for the final system. The electronic voting system should not be narrowly local - "tailored exclusively for a certain area or for a separate single country", but should be universal, suitable for the entire planet at once. It should be multilingual. It must be decentralized - so that a self-selecting monopolist could not block a single IP address of the server, thereby disrupting the operation of the entire system. That is, it should connect like a torrent (immediately with all other nodes). The program should first of all have a mobile version, i.e. so that a computer is not needed for registration and voting. The voting system should allow anyone to earn money inside it, i.e. it should be a commercial project (otherwise it will not be successful and will not be widely distributed). The system should be as easy to use as possible, suitable for any ordinary user - i.e. it should have a standard interface, standard login and password (no tricky and complex terms, schemes, designs). The system should not be controlled by one person, and its core should be based on the blockchain, i.e. have maximum protection against possible hacking and manipulation.
Then the system will become viral and will work properly.
The name for the system can be taken, for example, Bitvote
Display of voting results.
The system should allow each citizen to easily verify that his vote and that of all his acquaintances was cast, that the voting was fair. That there were no forged or distorted votes. At the same time, personal data of people should not be disclosed.
Voting results should be counted and displayed electronically in blocks. The top level (the voting block) is the entire country. This block is divided into smaller blocks: "regions" (each block-region shows the total votes collected for each candidate). Then each block-region is divided into smaller ones - "oblasts" blocks (each also displays the voting results). Then the "cities" blocks. Then the "districts" blocks. Then comes the next block - "streets". Then the "houses on the street" block. And then comes the most important block - "separate apartment building". This block indicates the address of the house and lists all the apartments with the residents who voted in these apartments. At the same time, the specific names, surnames and other data of the residents are not indicated.
Such a design will allow you to easily check the honesty of the system - whether it correctly displays your apartment, your friends in the house, count - whether all the votes in your house are taken into account (just ask your neighbors, friends in the house). You can also check yourself whether all the votes in any neighboring house are taken into account, whether the votes from the entire street, from all streets are taken into account. That is, everyone can easily count everything themselves.
User numbers must have a special tricky format with several additional fields that will display the citizen's "Name", "Last Name" and, if necessary, "date of birth" in a disguised form.
For example, for a citizen named Chris Jones, the user number will look like this: 333000001-**r-**n.
"**r" here means that the third letter of the citizen's first name is "r".
"**n" means that the third letter of the citizen's last name is "n".
Any letter except the first is better suited for display (if the first letter is displayed, this will help ill-wishers to figure out the real first and last names of people much easier). It is better to choose consonants for display - this will make it mathematically much more difficult for potential ill-wishers to figure out the real name of a person by selection.
The displayed letter (of the first or last name) should not match the same letter (of the first or last name) of other residents of the apartment.
The "*" (asterisk) symbols are placed only before the displayed letter. Nothing is displayed after it, even if the person's first and last name are much longer than the displayed data. This is necessary for protection, so as not to show fraudsters the exact number of letters in the citizen's first and last name. For the convenience of working with government agencies (many countries will officially begin to cooperate with such a system), instead of the more visible symbol "*" for citizens (which symbolizes hidden symbols when entering a password), you can use the number "8" (the symbol of infinity, uncertainty). The number "0" cannot be used, as it can be confused with the letter "o".
Thanks to the user number in the above format (333000001-**r-**n), anyone who knows the real name and surname of the apartment tenant will be able to easily determine who exactly he voted for, even without communicating with him. This will allow us to more actively identify possible fraud, cheating, and forgery. At the same time, outsiders will not be able to find out any personal data of the tenants, because the real Names and Surnames are not published. Everything is always displayed exclusively in a disguised form. It will be very, very difficult to calculate anything exact based on one displayed letter of the name and surname.
What can the fourth field be used for in the user number? The vast majority of citizens will not need to display it (i.e. either do not display it at all, or show three asterisks "***"). Displaying this field is required only when citizens who have the same name and surname live in the same apartment. Thanks to this field, it will be possible to distinguish them. This field displays the citizen's date of birth in a disguised form, specifically - as a number that is equal to the sum of the citizen's day of birth, month of birth and the last two digits of the year of birth.
It works as follows. If Steve Brown with a date of birth of 03/10/1970 and another Steve Brown with a date of birth of 09/25/1995 live in the same apartment. Then the user number for the first will look like this: 145000000-*t-***w-083 (083 here is the sum of 10+3+70), and the user number for the second will look like this: 73465461324657-*t-***w-129 (129 here is the sum of 25+9+95).
In theory, you can completely do without this fourth field, because there are few people with the same last name, and they will slightly worsen the visibility of the voting map.
Immediately answer the statement: "voting should be anonymous, you can't show your vote to everyone!".
The state (each party) always knows "which of the citizens voted for whom when (and therefore, with a high degree of probability, will continue to vote)", and they always try to agitate in advance in the weak points they need. Only the citizens themselves do not know "who voted for whom". For them, all this always remains invisible. So there is no need to be afraid of this knowledge, no one will judge you for your choice, just as no one judges you for choosing a brand of car or a brand of clothing. This is competition, everyone has the right to choose. Today you voted for one, tomorrow for another. Forcing people to vote for someone is in anti-democratic one-party regimes (communist garbage dump), there are no elections there (only one candidate and one party).
There is no need to be afraid of a public display of "who voted for whom". On the contrary, when any citizen can easily find out who any member of society voted for, the state will not be able to deceive the population. Competition and the standard of living in the country will improve.
Registration of new users.
The system should not store critical personal data that can be used by fraudsters to, for example, issue a loan or some kind of agreement. Therefore, no personal signatures, passport serial numbers or full copies of documents will be stored in the system. Only the minimum data required for the system to operate (full name, address, date of birth, region of birth) will be stored in a decentralized distributed database. And the system will allow access to them only to individual users selected by it to verify the data and only in strictly defined cases. No one else will have access to this information.
To register in the system with the right to vote, the user will have to confirm their real First Name, Last Name, date of birth, place of registration (place of residence), region of birth and citizenship of the country.
If a person has several apartments/houses, then they must indicate this in advance so that their vote is displayed correctly.
When logging into the system for the first time, the user registers as on any other regular service - comes up with their login and password. After logging in, the user specifies their data (full name, date of birth, place of residence, region of birth). Next, this data needs to be verified, and for this, in order to protect against the abundance of scammers trying to call themselves non-existent people, a certain amount of money must be deposited into the user's balance. After successful verification of the data, this amount is completely transferred to the user's personal account. If he tries to deceive the verifier, he will simply lose this amount. The specified algorithm will make attempts at fraud unprofitable.
To confirm the user's identity, you will need at least one official state-issued document, the forgery of which is punishable by law. At least one document must have a photograph. To confirm your identity, you need the following data: First name, Last name, date of birth, region of birth, person's registration address (the administration in which you vote), citizenship. The easiest way to confirm the data is to check your passport data via a video call or several photos of the user with an open passport. In this case, all unnecessary fields in the passport (signature, passport number, other data) are covered by the passport owner. It shows the verifier (system) only the last name, first name, photo, date of birth, region of birth, and registration address. This is the minimum data that is enough for the system to work successfully. When checking user data, it is advisable to use a video call, rather than a photo of the user with an open passport.
Elections and voting are a key topic for the state, so there will definitely be active attempts to register non-existent people and other fraudulent actions (attempts to hack existing users), cloning users, etc.
You can protect yourself from fake registrations in the following way:
The system should pay special fake users who, when confirming data via video call, will try in every possible way to bribe the inspectors and register without documents or with fake documents. If the inspector puts such a user "confirmed", then he loses his job.
The users' data inspectors are selected by a random generator from all those who want to (because otherwise there may be fraudulent inspectors who massively carry out various dishonest schemes). For reliability, it is better for the blockchain database to store a video call recording or a photo of the user with a passport for 6-12 months. This will allow you to additionally check the honesty of the inspector.
For better protection, when confirming user data, it is better to require two documents (for example, a passport and a driver's license). And also confirmation of data by sending a code in a registered paper letter, which is handed over in person upon presentation of a passport (passport data verification), as well as sending a regular mail letter with a code (verification of the user's address reality).
After confirming the user's data, he begins to appear in the general database, and his data (name and surname in disguised form) can be additionally checked by other residents of the house - whether there are any suspicious registrations in any apartment or private house. If a non-existent resident is found, then you can ask him for additional confirmation of identity. It is also advisable to pay small bonuses to those who find a fake user (the bonus is paid from the personal balance of the fake user).
As additional checks of suspicious accounts, you can use:
a bank transfer of a small amount to the user's details, delivery of a certain product by courier with verification of passport data, verification of documents in person (from a closer distance if the camera on the smartphone is bad).
That is, all available methods that reduce the possibility of fraud and counterfeiting.
The information "region of birth" is needed to further separate users with identical Name, Surname and date of birth (in large countries there will definitely be such).
Some data (presence of criminal records, presence of mental illness), which may limit the ability of a citizen to vote in a particular country, cannot be easily verified. But such people are a small percentage in society (up to 0.5% of society) and their votes will not be able to seriously influence the final results of the elections. Although in theory it is possible to figure out how to check these categories of citizens.
Fee for the system. Money inside the system.
The system must be commercial (paid), otherwise all this will not be able to function normally. Therefore, voting must be paid, but at the same time inexpensive.
And it is necessary to make an annual subscription fee, and not a fee for a one-time vote, because when paying for a one-time vote, many people will try to save money and not vote in more secondary elections. A mandatory annual subscription fee will encourage voting always, every vote, because "everything is already paid for". At the same time, it is better to additionally stimulate citizens - if a person voted, then for him the subscription fee for this year becomes 30-50% lower. And if he did not vote (missed), then the annual subscription fee for you remains standard. This scheme will also allow you to agitate people to participate in electronic surveys (create them yourself, this will be discussed below). The voting results cannot be published online before the end of the voting period, otherwise there will be no intrigue that will force more people to vote. Before the first vote, the user pays the subscription fee for 4 years at once, because, as a rule, presidential and parliamentary elections (the most important in the country) are held once every 4 years and in order to vote next time, the user will have to pay again for the next 4 years. If the user does not pay for 4 years, then when paying for the next 4 years, the 30-50% discount on voting will not be activated for him and, as a result, the total cost of the subscription fee for 8 years will be identical to if he regularly paid every 4 years and regularly voted.
Who will receive money from the subscription fee? The money will be received by those checking the users' documents. Each node of the system, for storing its piece of the decentralized database. All auxiliary workers (for example, fake users who will try to deceive the checkers). The proceeds from the subscription fee for 4 years should be enough to pay for checking the data of new users and to pay for the work of the system nodes. Also, salaries in dollars and the cost of living (electricity, fuel, food, etc.) vary greatly from country to country. The subscription fee should not be the same for everyone, it should be set individually for each country. As well as the payment for the system nodes.
The system should have its own cryptocurrency with a pre-set, small annual printing of new coins (similar to Bitcoin). New coins are distributed among the nodes that support the operation of the system.
The creator of this electronic voting system will own a certain starting amount of the system's cryptocurrency (similar to the creator of Bitcoin), and this will be the main profit of this system for him. The system's cryptocurrency will be exchanged en masse for ordinary paper government money and will be actively used within the system, so he will be guaranteed a profit.
For the normal operation of the commercial part of this decentralized voting system (in which there will be mass constant balance replenishment), cryptocurrency will be necessary.
After registering a new user, he is given access to the exchanger-exchanger, functioning within the system and available to all users of the system at once, including users with unconfirmed data. In this exchanger, the user can exchange his government money for the system's cryptocurrency. And then the cryptocurrency is put on his personal balance. Cryptocurrency is freely exchanged and donated between all users to support the operation of the exchanger-exchanger.
Here you can immediately provide the following mechanism - if the country is not democratic, then the rulers of this country can try to block bank cards or transfers with which they will try to pay for the work of the system. To bypass this restriction, you can put money on your balance in the following way: negotiate with the cryptocurrency seller on the exchanger and then make a personal exchange with him through the chat in the system - you put a small amount on his phone balance, and he transfers the cryptocurrency to your balance in the system. And so on, several small tranches - for security. After the transaction is completed, both parties give each other a public review - "was there any fraud". Another option is to buy something from someone (for example, in a certain online store, or from a certain seller on the marketplace), when buying, you indicate your number in the system and part of the cost of the goods is sent to it. After the user tops up his balance, his data is checked by an appointed inspector. If attempts at fraud are revealed, the money in the user's accounts is blocked until he confirms his real data. If the check is successful, the entire amount is completely unblocked and becomes available for payment for voting. The work of the verifier is free for a new user and is paid for from the money of all other users (the annual subscription fee pays for this), otherwise there will not be a good influx of new users.
The system should have the ability to create affiliate links to create automatic advertising (payments to those whose links new users register). Also, the system should show advertising (if this helps reduce the subscription fee for users).
A similar electronic voting system can be made on the basis of a regular website (i.e. a centralized database in one hand). But in many countries, anti-democratic tsars-boyars-leaders will immediately block this site. Also, on a centralized website, the influence on the owner of the system in various ways (blackmail, bribery, threats) becomes critical; he can be forced to start playing unfairly - adding left users, hacking the accounts of existing ones and changing their votes, etc.
In a decentralized system, this will be impossible. Therefore, we need a blockchain with many alternative IP access addresses, with the absence of a single leader of the entire system.
Anyone who wants to should be given the opportunity to become a node in the system, because the more nodes there are in the system, the more reliable it will be (analogous to Bitcoin).
The voting database and user data should be stored in a blockchain with a public source code (so that no one can forge and distort this data). A personal wallet, chat correspondence and other auxiliary modules can, in principle, be made.
Referendum and convenient collection of paper signatures.
The highest manifestation of power in the country is a people's referendum. The people are the highest source of power. A referendum establishes all the laws in the country. A referendum can remove the current president and any official from office, appoint re-elections, cancel any laws and establish any of their own. The duty of each official is first of all to obey the will of the referendum, and not the decrees of the king.
The system will allow holding mass referendums and quickly collecting paper signatures of citizens. First, people vote on a specific issue. Then, if the state needs to provide proof - signatures of the population, the system allows you to conveniently collect real signatures both in a separate region and from the entire country. The system creates special general house chats to which it adds only those who turned out to be the majority in the vote on a specific issue (i.e. those whose decision should be implemented in the country). Then they share their phone numbers and one of the residents at a convenient time goes around all the apartments and collects signatures on a special document. And then these documents are filed and sent where they should go. In the same way, you can collect simple signatures for candidates.
Electronic signature module on documents.
My blog has an article that gives examples of how officials forge signatures of the population, or recognize real signatures of citizens as "invalid". To protect against such undemocratic officials, you can create a service for creating a code that will serve as a digital signature on paper documents. But if this service is centralized (located on government servers), this will also not protect against the possibility of forging a citizen's signature (the code can also be forged).
For maximum protection against forgery of the digital signature code, a decentralized service on the blockchain is needed. The electronic system described in this article is just right for this.
It will work like this: the user signs the document, then opens the application on the smartphone, selects "get signature originality code", then takes a photo of the entire paper document (each page) that he signed and uploads all the photos to the system. Then the system gives him a numeric signature originality code. He writes it next to his signature in the document. Then, to check the originality of the signature, any user simply goes to the application, enters this code and the application shows "original signature or not and on which document it should be (displays the document number and selected pages of the document without personal data). In controversial situations, with the permission of the author of the signature, the application can fully display all pages to the user from whom the request was received (so that he can be 100% sure that the signature matches the document.
The system is decentralized, the blockchain will store photos of all user documents, charging a subscription fee for this. The function of checking the digital signature will be available. Also, for interaction with the state, each user will be issued an additional login and password, allowing only to read all signed documents of the user (not download them or delete them). This login and password are transferred to government agencies so that they can use the service for their needs.
Protection against forced signature.
You can protect yourself from being forced by third parties to "sign" in the following way.
The user specifies a temporary protection period in their profile (for example, 5 days or 7 days), which must be met before the digital signature (code) becomes active. That is, if the user is forced to sign urgently, the system will be able to verify this signature only after 5 days (for example). Also, at any time during the protection period (while the signature is not yet being verified in the system), the user can cancel the signature.
And for an additional fee, you can provide the user with the opportunity to create a special password for "quick paid receipt of the signature code" for simple documents (so as not to wait 5 days).
To change the protection period, you must submit an application in advance 1 month.
As a result, if someone tries to force a person to sign, the document will still be activated only after the specified period of time, during which the user will be able to cancel this signature. No one will watch the person for the entire specified time. This will be the protection.
Polls module.
The government always tracks the statistics on public sentiment quite accurately, and if necessary, organizes local surveys of a small sample of the population. But the general population itself does not know the statistics about itself, its district/region, and its country. And this information can also be vital for organizing further actions (so as not to waste energy on projects that are not supported by the majority in your district anyway).
The specified system will also allow people to conduct surveys among the population in a certain area (district, street, apartment building). To stimulate responses, the system should also provide a discount on the annual subscription fee to users who participated in the survey. For example, two such surveys per year should be allowed, for each of which the user's subscription fee for that year is reduced by 15%.
Programs - clones.
After the system is launched, its clones will most likely appear. They will be of two types:
A) it will be a working competitor that has completely copied the architecture of the original system and is trying to take away part of its potential audience. In the long term, it will most likely either sag very much or go bankrupt completely, as happened with altcoins (the original bitcoin stayed afloat, and all its clones lost a lot in value and popularity).
If your system maintains an acceptable subscription fee and the right economic model, then it will grow well, and eventually will be able to crush all competitors at least in a separate country.
Competitors in the field of electronic voting will do much more harm than good. They will bite off a considerable part of users, thereby worsening the interaction of users with each other (analogous to what happens in different social networks that do not interact with each other). All this will worsen the map of the final vote.
In this case, an older or more popular system can make a clever move in the form of "duplicating votes from someone else's program", and also provide a discount to users who have switched from another system. A user who is already registered in a competitor system registers in your program (it's free for everyone), then he puts a deposit on the balance, then confirms his data, and the deposit is transferred to the balance. Then the user indicates the user registered to him in the competitor program in his profile (the addresses and letters of the name must match). After this, for 4 years, the system simply takes his votes from someone else's program, and in return provides him with a 75-90% discount on the annual subscription fee.
This is necessary in order to gradually drag other people's users into your ecosystem so that they get used to your interface, so that your voting map is more complete.
B) Fraudsters can try to make a fake imitation application that will steal your voting database and pass it off as their own. It will imitate the display of votes. The purpose of this fake project will be to get money from users allegedly for "checking their data and an annual subscription fee." After they transfer money to the system balance, the system will start giving them errors, or "someone will steal their password," etc. - standard scammer techniques).
How can you prove to the user that the application in front of him is original and not a fake?
1) The original program needs to take a screenshot of its site in the Internet archive. This will show that your program is older, and will also show all your progress in recruiting users. It will show that you are not a fake project that suddenly appeared out of nowhere the day before yesterday.
2) The original program must have its own telegram channel and publish the voting results monthly (this will also serve as proof of experience and a large user base).
3) The results of online votes should not be published. Exactly at the moment the voting ends, the voting results are first published in the telegram channel (so that there is a date and time of the message), and after 30 minutes in the program itself. This will allow you to prove that you are the original source of the voting database, and someone else simply copied it from you.
4) Independently working cryptocurrency. The original program will have its own cryptocurrency. Fraudulent sites will not have it (there will be emulation).
Advice to developers - maximum anonymity when developing the system.
Advice to developers - when developing this system, try to work in the smallest team possible. The fewer people involved in the development of this project, the safer it will be for you. Remember the story of Satoshi Nakamoto - how they persecuted people suspected of creating Bitcoin. So here is an even more serious situation. The monopolists in power will do everything to prevent such a system from entering the market. They can start disguising themselves as "investors" to gain your trust and then liquidate you. Work as quietly and anonymously as possible so that no one knows what you are doing. After the launch of the system, you will more than recoup all your costs (to put it mildly).