(Original post was here )
Somewhere in 2011, after Alexey Navalny began posting interesting information on the Internet about corruption and election fraud in Russia, I became interested in this topic and began to think about how to improve the electoral system. Make it as honest and transparent as possible, with guaranteed protection against fraud and fraud.
In this article I will share with you a simple option. It is based on a common public database of votes (but without disclosing people’s personal data), which will allow anyone to easily check the accounting of their vote and the votes of relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances.
To protect yourself from 87% anti-democratic Putin self-electors, you need to do the following:
a) introduce a law requiring 100% turnout in elections. If you did not vote in the elections, you will be fined half the minimum wage (or the whole). This is necessary to protect against the stuffing of false ballots for those who did not come to the polls.
b) enter the following:
Most people do not go to the polls because they do not trust the authorities. Assigning a unique number to the ballot and entering it into the voting register with the selected voting option. It will allow a person to check the results of his choice in the total number of votes and trust in the reliability of the system. It will allow you to increase voter turnout and monitor the work of vote counting.
Each ballot paper is assigned a unique number. The ballot number must display the citizen’s “First Name” and “Last Name” in a disguised form. For example, for a citizen whose name is Chris Jones, the ballot number will look like this: 333000001-**r-**n.
“**r” here means that the third letter of the citizen’s name is “r” (any letter except the first is used, it must be different from the letter of the names of other residents of the apartment. Try to use consonant letters - this will make it more difficult for scammers to hack names of unknown peoples).
“**n” means that the third letter of the citizen’s last name is “n” (the letter also should not coincide with the same letter of other residents of the apartment). Instead of the "*" symbol, you can use the number "8" (if the equipment does not understand the "*" symbol). Asterisks are not placed after the displayed letter even if the letters are there. You cannot show scammers how many letters there are in a citizen’s first and last name.
Ballots are sent in duplicate to each voter.
c) after indicating his vote on two ballots, the voter receives the signature of a member of the election commission on both ballots. Also, if desired, the voter records the signature and full name. member of the election commission on a video camera. The vote is immediately displayed in the public electronic database. If a citizen catches a member of the election commission falsifying his (or someone else’s) vote, then he has the right to receive from this member an impressive monetary compensation (in the amount of half the minimum monthly salary).
d) then the vote totals are displayed in block levels so that every citizen can easily verify the integrity of the vote and that not a single vote was forged or lost. The lower level is a block: a table that shows the numbers of apartments in the house, opposite each apartment the numbers of ballots with votes - for which party which number voted for), as well as the sum of votes from the entire house. The next level block displays the final votes from each house on the street. The next block level is the final votes from each street in the area. Next is the block level - the final votes from all districts of the city. Next is the block level - the final votes from all regions of the country. Those. a single file that would display all the votes (all numbers with their votes).
So that everyone can check their vote, the vote of a friend, check whether their vote and the votes of all their friends from home and street are taken into account in a single voting card. With this display, falsifying one vote will change the entire block, i.e. You can't fake one vote.
Thanks to the ballot number in the above format (333000001-**r-**n), anyone who personally knows the residents of the apartment, their real first and last name, can easily determine for whom exactly they voted without even asking them. Those. if some friend always votes for the same party, and then suddenly he has another party on his voting card, this will be a reason to talk to him so that he can check his vote to see if it is displayed correctly. It will also allow you to find dead souls - non-existent people who supposedly voted, but are not registered and do not live in the apartment (they can be calculated from the house register Journal). This will make it possible to very effectively identify possible fraud, cheating, and counterfeiting. At the same time, scammers will not be able to find out any personal data of residents, because real names and surnames are not published. All data is displayed in a masked form - it is impossible to calculate anything accurate from one specified letter of the first and last name.
If a citizen finds inconsistencies. then he can sue the person who recorded this voice.
You can do it without computers.
You can also print out a list of all the ballot numbers in the house and indicate their votes. Also print out a separate sheet with the final vote of each house on the street of the resident of the house. A separate sheet with the final vote of each street in the resident's district. A separate sheet with the final vote of all districts of the city of the resident of the house. A separate sheet with the final vote of all city and region residents of the house. A separate sheet with the final vote of all districts of the region of the resident of the house. A separate sheet with the final vote of all regions of the country of the resident of the house. A separate sheet with the final vote of the entire country.
Those. This type of vote verification can be implemented even without a computer. Anyone can quickly check whether their vote is counted correctly in the system, and whether there are any left-wing votes in their home.
e) further in the future it is possible to create a distributed demonopolized registry based on the blockchain. Those. a database that does not have a single center, but is distributed among many servers. The task is to save user votes and publish them. Such a server will protect against vote tampering on the server side (when the monopolist owner of the server can change and falsify votes).
In theory, this will only be necessary if there are a very large number of fake votes (when this will be clearly visible).