May 21, 2024

The right family crossover.

The right family crossover.

In the middle of the video he says “I need a new car to carry two children, so that it’s inexpensive and hassle-free.”

The optimal configuration would be a 7-8 seat minivan (plenty of space, comfortable interior, convenient sliding doors, easy entry, often folding rear seats into a half-bed). But outwardly he looks “not beautiful” for young people (give them sportiness, massiveness, brutality).

It is necessary to make a car so that it looks like a crossover (BMW x3-x5), but the rear doors would look ordinary (with a recess for the rear wheel), but at the same time they would either slide or open upward like on the Tesla Model X (just make a protective panel on top, so that when the door is open, rain does not get in. And if the door opens up, then it can be made long, right up to the trunk (this will make it easier to sit on the third row of seats. Such doors will provide easier and more comfortable entry for passengers of both the second and third). row in a tight city parking lot. It will also be possible to take things from the trunk without opening the trunk itself (but just by opening the back door).

There is no need to create a regular trunk with a rear door - by opening the side door, you can get everything out of the trunk. But you can make a more cunning trunk. Make the rear part of the car extend back 20-30-40cm (to increase useful space in the trunk). Come up with a design for this.

Also, there should be a third row of seats of a special design that would allow the child to sit on this row of seats and, by removing the back of the second row of seats, move the seat forward - this way you will get a reclining seat in which you can go on a long journey.