June 13, 2024

For weaking dictators - you need increase separatism.

Original post was here

The US has a strong advantage in the political architecture when all states are equal and already have very strong local authorities. That is, the US already has a fairly serious defense against state separatism.

But Russia does not have this. This weak spot needs to be hit as hard as possible (because they will not be able to counter you).

We need to move to a system where:

a) the president must be from each state in turn (and not from one Muscovy every 4 years). That is, all 50 states present their candidates. Those who have already been president - wait their turn until 49 presidents from all the other states have passed. The president must be born and live more than 75% of his life in the state in order to be elected to the post of president.

b) the resolution of interstate disputes (interregional for the Russian Federation) is determined not by the "supreme Moscow-Putin court", but by a jury trial, in which the jurors are the chief judges from each region. Previously, such courts would have been very expensive, but today everything can be easily organized via video link. In theory, they do not even need to all be present at the court at the same time; it can be thought out so that they watch the video recording of the hearings and then make their decision in an electronic system.

This will weaken the dictator kings - the regions (in the same RFia), relying on such a system, will demand their rights.

The same jury trial (from judges of all regions) considers cases of governors, mayors (and not the lousy Moscow king "removing someone from office with his decrees").